Agro-Tourism as a source of Food Security

Agro-Tourism as a source of Food Security (ATaFoSS) Project seeks to make agriculture a source of tourism. Agro-Tourism creates an opportunity for farmers to increase their farming incomes and increase food security. In addition, it gives an opportunity for the visitors to learn about agriculture and experience farm life at first hand. It is evident that many African countries are characterized by rural areas, where the majority of the population depends on agriculture as the main source of livelihood. Yet, incomes from farming are still low and food insecurity is still widespread.

On the other hand, there is rapid growth in the tourism sector with sub-Saharan Africa being a destination for millions of tourists. Agro Tourism has been a success in many parts of the world including among others; Malaysia, Peru, Germany (Heidschnuck sheep which graze on the Lüneburg heathlands, land consolidation, and village renewal tours, horse farms etc.) and in India where direct employment created by Agro Tourism is reported to be about USD 15.5 million.

Having recorded such success, Agro Tourism could hence provide an opportunity for Africa to enhance its development, reduce poverty and food insecurity.

The initial countries targeted by the project are; Cameroon, Uganda, and Ghana. These countries have abundant land resources for the production of crops, livestock and forestry products and therefore a high potential for Agro Tourism.

Currently, preliminary studies on the prospects of agro-tourism have been conducted and potential areas identified. 

In addition, Agro-tourism exhibitions have been carried out in Ghana and Germany.


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