Changing Lives through changed Perspectives has been the Goal of CLEAN-AFRICA over the last decade. The era when growth is supposed to be natural but nonexistent, Development tends to be relative in the developmental politics of many Global Actors. As an Organisation with focus on harnessing the potential of the youth for that matter the students who are interested in sustainable community development and the South-North Dialogue in developmental politics, it’s imperative to showcase what concerted, integrated, Teamwork can achieve through the resilience and determination of Students from both the Global South and North.
CLEAN-AFRICA e.V., with its headquarters in Stuttgart, cooperates with other recognized institutions to pursue charitable and not-for-profit activities in the field of community development and education for sustainable development.
We are members both the regional and nationwide umbrella organization engaged in developmental politics like DEAB-Dachverband development politics Baden-Wuerttemberg (in the executive committee), STUBE, ecumenical university student bodies, and fellow actors various associations and federations across Germany.
For several years the organization has been engaged intensively and actively with other fellow actors in developmental politics as well as in public discourse at numerous meetings and events. The organization is well connected with fellow actors in developmental politics within Germany and beyond.
Since 2008, CLEAN-AFRICA has been organizing conferences and events with focus on developmental politics and Sustainable Community Development with students and academics from various cultural backgrounds in cooperation with other Actors with a size of up to 100 and more participants in an intercultural setting per event. According to our statistics, our group of participants is so far with an average of approx. 12 countries of origin per event, which in turn reflect each other well from the global North and South. Our work is an attestation of sustainable migration and a pivot for in-depth exposition of push and pull factors of refugeeism as well as BRAIN-GAIN and BRAIN-DRAIN discourse amongst our main target group which are university Students- the future leaders of both the North and South. Our target group are important multipliers of education in developmental politics as well as messengers and sponsors of the message for the general public that is hardly been reached or insufficiently stimulated by developmental policy topics. The arousal of interest in developmental politics topics at the universities has created a niche for CLEAN-AFRICA in the One-World landscape as we receive regular inquiries from highly motivated student actors who are ready to move away from the fences and be active in their various communities in the global South and North. Finally, CLEAN- AFRICA sees itself as an important bridge that connects and seals an existing gap within the body-politics of the sustainable development agenda.
presented including LaNCoR, ATaFoSS, PAMBA, BRAIN-GAIN, CoSDeP, MIBSIP, and SDG4UNiS; utilizes and demonstrate Transdisciplinarity, Innovation, Creativity, Knowledge-base and Sustainability (TICKS). CLEAN-AFRICA believes TICKS is the bedrock for accelerated development for the Global South and Change in the Perspective and a paradigm shift in the Global North.
This will eventually emphasize the call for thinking Global and acting Local (GloCal) because every action of everyone counts in making the Sustainable Development Goals and the Agenda 2030 a Reality.
Erntedankweg 26
D-70619 Stuttgart
Phone: + 49-711-6333294
Email: info@cleanafrica.org