Makulubita Integrated Basic School Improvement Project

As part of CLEAN-AFRICA’s activities to extend help, support and encourage Sustainable community development to the deprived and marginalized parts of Africa, it introduced the Makulubita Community Based Poverty Alleviation Project (MACOBAP) Strategic plan in late 2008 in Uganda. MACOBAP aimed at contributing to the realization of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the Uganda National Development Plan (UNDP). This was to be achieved by improving the living conditions of the poor residents of Makulubita Sub County in Luwero district, by empowering the poor rural people in the sub-county to effectively engage in viable and sustainable development initiatives. Specifically, ACOBAP aimed at promoting access to clean and safe water, access to quality and affordable early childhood education, access to quality and affordable medical services to the residents and empowering the residents to effectively engage in modern farming, and microenterprise development initiatives.

Thus, the Makulubita Integrated Basic School Improvement Project phase  1(MIBSIP-1) as part of this MACOBAP strategic plan was initiated. MIBSIP-1 sought to address the acute lack of access to quality early childhood education by constructing at least two nurseries and two primary schools, supporting and facilitating dedicated teachers to come to Makulubita to render services as well as providing school fees and scholastic materials, which are extremely hard to get in the village. The immediate targeted group or beneficiary of the project were the youth of Makulubita Sub-County who form about 50% of the population of the area. It was envisaged, however, that the project has a ripple effect on the entire Luwero District which is about 500,000 marginalized citizens of Uganda. It also indirectly helped solve the problem of the disadvantaged orphans and vulnerable children

who had inherited poverty due to the aftermath of the guerrilla war of the early 80’s. In the end, the resultant effect was to attract the migrating youth who were going to the larger cities for a better life back into Makulubita so as to increase the human capital and social attractiveness of the area. MIBSIP-1 was segmented into three subprojects in which Bulamba Primary School was the Beneficiary. The subprojects under MIBSIP-1 included; the construction of a 3 classroom Block, a provisional school kitchen, school farm, donation of books and desks, training of teachers and establishment of the CLEAN Environmental Clubs. The implementation of the  MIBSIP-1 was done systematically with and by the local people of the Makulubita subcounty, and all the three subprojects were successfully implemented.


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